Saturday, December 27, 2008

red eyes, late night



Me and my family have been driving for about 12 hours and we still hav around 4 more. My parents keep saying that there's less but then they say no there's more omgg

My eyes are dyingg they hurt horribly cus its super dark and my brothers watching a dvd and the light's contrast with the dark is bad! I wish we could have flown but I mean its not that bad. Btw I want 2 thank all my friends that have looked at my blog I love you guys I'm so bored I might as well say your names!

Thanks I love you guys!!
Anywayss I am so excited because my birthday is in a week!! Yayyyy omg and new years! Soso I'm sad that we won't get to keep our traditon this year. I'm sure 2009 will still start off on a great note
Espesically with our new President!!! HOORAY!

Well I would write more but it is hard 2 cus its so dark out :\

Hopefully I won't need glasses by tomorrow :\

nighty night


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