Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Crush Crush Crush

hmmm idk how to describe this blog butt ummmm im exited for my show this weekend :DDDDD

a lil neervousss :O

OMG and the othetr thing is that there is this guy... I CANNOT stop thinking about I mean seriously IDK wat to do I like him SOOOO much, he is kinda an ass but like he is also nice to me alot ERGG I REALLLLLLLLLLLY LIKE HIM anyone have any advice?

well I hope my boy craziness doesnt consume my life too much lol

ON ANOTHER THOUGHTTT this is my 3rd blog post and but its the 1st one I have actually posted from a computer isnt that insanee. I appreicate typing on a full size keyboard its alot quicker then on a phone. HAPPY NEW YEARS BTW! I forgot to mention that!! I hope everyone is having a good start and I hope 2009 is going to be awesome and amazing.


NJ ps dont even ask who I like cus I will neverrr telll ;)

Saturday, December 27, 2008

red eyes, late night



Me and my family have been driving for about 12 hours and we still hav around 4 more. My parents keep saying that there's less but then they say no there's more omgg

My eyes are dyingg they hurt horribly cus its super dark and my brothers watching a dvd and the light's contrast with the dark is bad! I wish we could have flown but I mean its not that bad. Btw I want 2 thank all my friends that have looked at my blog I love you guys I'm so bored I might as well say your names!

Thanks I love you guys!!
Anywayss I am so excited because my birthday is in a week!! Yayyyy omg and new years! Soso I'm sad that we won't get to keep our traditon this year. I'm sure 2009 will still start off on a great note
Espesically with our new President!!! HOORAY!

Well I would write more but it is hard 2 cus its so dark out :\

Hopefully I won't need glasses by tomorrow :\

nighty night


fight club/1st blog/ road trip

Sooo I just finished watching Fight Club, wow that movie is amazing. The concepts are so interesting. It really made me think about a lot of things. The final scene is the best part: love can overcome anything. That is really the whole point of it. Omg Ed Norton=my celeb crush
He is just so cute! I want him hahaha
Anyways, that movie really kept me entertained on my long drive. Speaking of my long drive, I made this blog because I am driving 15 hours to colorado. Yep my family is crazy. Anyways this is my first blog and I know probably nobody is going to read this but I don't care x]
The thing about blogs that makes me happy is that there are no rules for what you have to right about and they are ways of saying things that u just want to say to the world. Blogs are like online public journals, I think that's neat. Anyways another thought is our condo does not have cable or interent so my hands are gonna get really tired from having 2 use my fone so much. Watevs ill survive. Man, I'm hungry my parents got food at mcdonalds like 2 hours ago and I still haven't eaten :\ cus eww mcdonalds I coudlnt bring myself 2 eat it...sory if anyone likes it but not me eww lol anyways for now I'm done with my blog also I would like 2 dedicate this 2 Jared because I know he is going to b the 1st person 2 read this lol

Thanks for tuning in
